New Kemet Harambe Chapter
The New Kemet Harambe Chapter was established in 2001 and strives for leadership excellence in everything that we do to uphold the mission and purpose of this organization where we are 1 of over 175 chapters, in 11 geographic regions in the United States. We have been recognized by the national organization as a Distinguished Service Chapter where we maintain value-driven communications as one in unity, integrity, professional decorum, awesome mentorship, dynamic leadership and focused visionaries among our members. We uphold our membership banner theme high with a steadfast quest that “The Best Will Continue to Come and We are the Ones Bringing it.”
Honorable Dr. Ethel L. Crisp, President
Wesley Brewer, 1st Vice President
Tamela Mills, 2nd Vice President
Lashana Sims, Secretary
Antionette Hall, Treasurer
Donna Howard, Assistant Treasurer
Adrianne M. Callahan, Parliamentarian
(Immediate Past President)
The President may appoint all standing committee chairs, special positions, and special committees. The term of office for all appointed positions and committees shall be concurrent with that of the appointing authorities unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment. In no case will the term of an appointment extend beyond the term of the appointing authority.
Affirmative Employment/Equal Employment Opportunity (AE/EEO)
The Affirmative Employment/EEO Committee shall monitor and develop programs to address areas of concern of Black government employees including rates of hiring and firing; promotions; training; details; distribution of authority and responsibility; adverse actions; awards; merit pay; disciplinary actions, will also monitor all issues/matters referring to affirmative action and work; and assist in developing BIG’s position on any legislation or regulation impacting on advancement and employment opportunities of Blacks in government.
Membership Committee Chair
The Membership Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing programs for membership drives, receiving and screening applications, and any other functions deemed necessary by the Chapter or Executive Committee.
Program and Planning Committee Chair
The Program and Planning Committee shall be responsible for the development and implementation of the necessary programs and requirements to fulfill the purpose and objectives of the chapter. This committee shall be responsible for training and assistance in those areas critical to the well-being of Black government employees. All programs pursued by this committee must be approved by the Executive Committee and/or General Membership and certified to be feasible by the Finance Committee.
Scholarship Committee Chair
The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining scholarship programs as recommended and/or approved by the Executive Committee or General Membership. Scholarship Committee will be an active committee based upon the availability of funds.
Bylaws Committee Chair
The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for the bylaws of the chapter. This committee will be responsible for all amendments and alteration actions of the chapter’s bylaws, policies, and standing rules to be initiated, prepared, and/or presented to the chapter membership for voting.
Communication & Public Relations Committee Chair
The Communications and Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for the development and printing of all published documents of the chapter; shall be responsible for all contacts with the media (TV, newspapers, etc.). The primary purpose of this committee is to assure public exposure of the chapter as approved by the Executive Committee and/or Membership. All public statements shall be in accordance with National policies.
Finance Chair
The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the financial accountability of the chapter. This committee will be responsible for, but not be limited to, determining the cost of the chapter's programs and reporting to the general membership the feasibility of implementing these programs. In addition:
(a) This committee will serve as the audit committee for audits required by law, or any other reason.
(b) An audit must be conducted, and results reported at the first Chapter meeting of each calendar year. This committee will have access to all financial records necessary to complete the audit. In the function of the Audit Committee, the size of the committee will be increased by at least one (1) member. No officers that sign or countersign checks can be members of this committee when performing the audit functions.
The Parliamentarian may be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee or regular membership and shall give parliamentary opinions upon request.
The Chaplain shall be appointed by the President and shall give the invocation and/or benediction at chapter meetings, events and functions as requested by the President.
The Historian shall be appointed by the Chapter President and provide educational narratives and/or historical information about African Americans to be presented at the monthly membership general meetings.
The Webmaster manages the NKHC website and offers communications product development.